Over the past ten years we have actively engaged with thousands of people across South London, a vast majority of whom were previously inactive, marginalised or excluded members of their community.

Grant funding helps us to provide outreach activities to venues and participants on either a free-of-charge basis or heavily subsidised.

Our gym, with disabled access, also offers a range of affordable memberships, pay-as-you-go options, concessionary rates and suggested-donation-only community classes. This enables us to offer social, sporting and recreational choices to everyone we engage via our outreach programmes. We encourage participants to head down to Peckham and continue their training in whatever form they wish.

Inclusive access to boxing in all its forms,
we aim to encourage sustainable participation in sport. We believe that the benefits can enhance any community through common interest whilst building confidence, discipline and life skills.

We Offer

The role of sport in nurturing both physical and emotional health has long been recognised; more recently the therapeutic nature of boxing training has been reappraised as a strong route to individual and collective development. In addition, the evidence is overwhelming that boxing is particularly powerful in engaging the most vulnerable and marginalised groups in society, and in reducing crime and reoffending.

A vibrant charity for all members of the community welcoming everyone, and offering involvement and participation in boxing in its many recreational and sporting forms.